It is also important to mention our Kenyan Advisory Board, for without their supervision and guidance, the US Board of Trustees would have an extremely difficult time managing issues and executing policy from such a long distance.  Our advisory board is made up of three Kenyan Nationals and one U.S. Citizen – all with advanced degrees, employed and residing in or with strong ties to Kisumu. Each member has years of practical experience dealing with orphan communities in Kenya.

It is not just our organizational mission to provide for the basic human needs of these 30 dependents, but also to support them on the road to independence as responsible adults within their villages and communities. 

Kenyan Advisory BoardSponsors and donors provide these children with hope and security, schools provide them with the solid education they will need to succeed, and dedicated staff provide them guidance and care.  In turn, these children provide each other with love and support.  Their successes also become the inspiration and pride of their villages and communities generating a beacon of light so desperately needed by so many struggling in Kenya.
There are many ways that you can help the Dunga Orphanage Project/Community Care Initiative.